Saturday, July 24, 2010

"If We Are the Body..."

I'm not going to write much tonight since I would like to go to bed...sleep is so good.

I went to a women's Bible study this past Wednesday (meaning, I took off from running that evening..only missed an easy run), and it was so good. Good fellowship, good food, and a great message: His peace endures.

Peace is ignoring the anxiety of the world and of the Enemy. Peace is sought out by listening to God's message of love and prayer.

All I need is acceptance of God's peace and visualize His peace. Because His love endures forever...and just saying that statement is not enough.

Most of my friends may be getting married, engaged, dating, or whatever...but I will always have the Lord by my side. Because he never gives up on me...He has been there for me every step of my life and never disappoints. Since my Bible study on Wednesday, I've better understood the passion behind the message and how I need to really, really follow Christ more.

So, if we are the Body, why aren't our arms reaching? Why aren't our hands healing? Why aren't our lips preaching? WHY?

I would love to talk more about this, but a wonderful time of slumber is calling my name. Goodnight and God bless. :-)

- Jaime "Dubs"